If you doubt a vitamin can make a difference in your MMT life, think again and read on. I'm in my mid-thirties, 6 feet tall and 185 pounds, so I'm not a huge guy. I've been on MMT for 8 years now. Up until two weeks ago, I just went on suffering the side effects, being convinced (for no good reason) nothing could change the way I felt. In the past year, it's gotten worse though I don't know why. I live in an area where it's pretty much hot year round and summers are brutal. I can literally walk downstairs to my car, get something, come back up and in those 2 minutes, my shirt can nearly be wrung out. It's disgusting. I have no energy. All I ever want to do is sleep. I can wake up after 10 hours of sleep, go down to my car, come back up, and aside from being soaked, I'm exhausted. I STAY exhausted. The thought of having to get up to even take a shower is exhausting. After reading reviews here on Amazon and seeing so many people swear by it, I figured it couldn't hurt to try. After 4 days of taking it, I thought I might have started to notice being a little less tired. After a week, I was certain I was less tired than normal, and my shirt wasn't as soaked after short trips outside. After two weeks, I can tell you I am amazed. I thought there was no hope for how I constantly felt. I sweat FAR less and I kid you not, in a week, I have not taken a single midday nap and that is WAY out of the norm. I'm just not tired in the middle of the day now. I can't speak to the sugar cravings because I only had those in the first year or so of MMT. But I CAN tell you this has made an amazing difference that I never could have guessed. If you think nothing can help, try Vitadone. you've got nothing to lose and a great deal to gain.